The Technical Committee TC manages the technical aspects of Hof ter Hage.

Hof ter Hage features nine lifts, two entrances to the car park operated with access cards, a car park with a CO2 alarm, a hydrophore for water pressure, three secure entrances, a garden irrigation system and so on. The TC takes care of all these facilities.

The TC together with VVE Beheer caretakers provide in a long term maintenance plan (MJOP). The MJOP not only concerns the technical installations, but also matters like the external coat of paint. Each year the maintenance jobs are planned according to the MJOP. The TC drafts a specification that is the basis for inviting tenders. The standard is to invite at least three tenders. These tenders are evaluated in cooperation with VVE Beheer caretakers. The larger commissions are submitted to the General Meeting of Members ALV for approval.

The TC convenes about every six weeks to discuss ongoing matters