Board of the Home-owners' Association (VvE) of the private residences of Hof ter Hage
The Association's mission is to advocate the common interests of the home-owners. The Association manages the maintenance of the common property and interests of the housing and car park. The Board operates in compliance with various regulations, as stated in the Rules and Regulations, and also in compliance with decisions approved by the General Meeting of Members (ALV). 
The Board consists of three members: the Chair (also Chair of the ALV), a Secretary / Treasurer and a general member of the Board the facilitates communication with the various committees. The Board is supported in its duties by an 'administratief beheerder', or caretaker, in our case a company with name 'VVE Beheer'.

The members of the Board are appointed by the ALV for a period of three years, and thereafter can be twice re-elected. All members can be re-elected for one more term.

The members of the Board advise residents to contact VVE Beheer caretakers. See the contact page.